Friday, April 8, 2011


For the next 3 weeks, you will create a comprehensive portfolio that contains your opinions, facts and insight on the topic of genocide around the world.  You will take an in depth look at famous New York Times editor, Nicholas Kristof’s columns and form your opinion about political warfare happening globally.***FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS PORTFOLIO WILL RESULT IN A FAILING GRADE FOR MARKING PERIOD 2.*****

Your packet will include the following assignments:
1)  15 article reviews                                                                                                40%
2)   One healing collage for Sudanese refugees                                                      10%
3)   One poem to the janjaweed                                                                                5%
4)  21 questions to the President of Sudan                                                               5%
5)  List of 10 solutions to stop genocide                                                                   10%
6)  Letter to Nicholas Kristof                                                                                      5%
7)  1 page personal portfolio reflection(must be verbally presented)                    15%

15 article reviews
On, you will find a list of 55 articles under the section “GENOCIDE ARTICLES”.  Each article is less than one page.  After reading EACH article, write an 8-10 sentence article summary and an 8-10 opinionated response of the article.

One healing collage for Sudanese refugees
You are to create an 8x10 collage from newspaper or magazine pictures. Create an inspirational theme that will lift the spirits of Sudanese people in refugee camps.

One poem to the Janjaweed
Create a 15-20 line poem addressing the Janjaweed, their actions, etc.

21 questions to the President of Sudan
You are dining with Omar al-Bashir, the President of Sudan.  List 21 questions you would ask him.

List of 10 solutions to stop genocide
Create a list of 10 solutions that you and/or the world can do to stop genocide or to spread awareness that this travesty is taking place.

Letter to Nicholas Kristof
Type a neat letter to Nicholas Kristof explaining your opinions about his writings, humanitarian works, etc.  It must be at least 250 words.  It will be mailed to him.

One page personal reflection on the entire portfolio
 Write a one page reflection on your experience collecting information for this portfolio.  What were your challenges, easiest parts, emotional or shocking moments and WHY?  All reflections will be written AND presented on April 29th for a grade.


ARPIL 11th---ARTICLE 1 summary & response due (IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT)

APRIL 12th—POEM is due at the beginning of class

APRIL 12th—ARTICLE 2 summary & response due (IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT)

APRIL 13th—Letter to Nicholas Kristoff (rough draft written while in CLASS)

April 14th—ARTICLE 3 summary and response due at the beginning of class

APRIL 14th & APRIL 15th—REFUGEE COLLAGE (in class assignment)

APRIL 15th—ARTICLE 4 summary and response due at the beginning of class

April 15th-26th—work on Articles 5-15 & 21 questions for Sudanese President
                       (this is one article per day)

April 27th—List of 10 solutions to stop genocide  (due at the beginning of class)

April 29thENTIRE PORTFOLIO IS DUE  along with the oral presentation of your portfolio reflection

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