Sunday, November 7, 2010


In DFMF, Lolo is telling Barack that a real man never shows his weakness.  Often times, there are certain stereotypes associated with each gender.  Describe at least 2-3 different stereotypes that have been place on gender that imply that someone may be weak and explain why society believes that. (example--men that cry are weak).


  1. Stereotypes based on gender are false because It’s a fact that the types of stereotypes that you cast on people, often times people can surpass your perceptions of them. Stereotypes like black men are deadbeat dads, they run away from their kids and don’t pay child support. Not all black men are like this the majority of black men take care of their kids and pay child support and live with their kids and are married to their mothers. Some stereotypes about black women are that they are baby mamas and that they have kids out of wedlock, with numerous baby daddies. It’s not true because not all black women that live in inner cities have baby daddies that don’t pay child support and have kids out of wedlock.
    People just cast stereotypes based on what they see on TV, Internet ect.I can’t speak for the majority of people in my area east ny but I can say that I know my parents are married, my aunt and uncle who live in Michigan are happily married. They didn’t have my cousin Avia out of wedlock and so did my parents and other relatives. I am not claiming to have perfect ménage. We have problems just like the rest any other kindred.
    Stereotypes about women in general is that they are weak and that they are not equal to men, that men are dominant and masculine, Women are weak and fragile. And that they are irrational creatures, when in fact studies show women mature faster than men. Women are more sensitive to pain. Women experience menstrual cycle, childbirth, menopause and other issues that women face. Sometimes women get treated inferior to men because they have a vagina.
    A woman is a strong as a man and can do anything and more that a man can. Women are actually better than men in my opinion because we can handle more than they can until a man experiences cramps on his period, then they will understand what it’s like to be a teenage girl becoming a women. I don’t care if it’s a man’s world I just want to be a women living in it quoted by Marilyn Monroe. You can let someone’s stereotype of you get you down you have to rise above them and prove them wrong; otherwise it will keep you down forever.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stereotypes are not always true. Especially gender stereotypes. Gender stereotype often discriminate and underestimate women as well as men in society. For example men that cry are weak they’re not supposed to show their emotions in public, men’s emotion are supposed to remain inside them, however it’s OK for a women to cry and show their emotion. The fact and the truth is that we’re all human being at certain situation we got to let out what we feel within us whether is happiness sadness etc... .Now these stereotypes can be true for some men which for no reasons and trouble they are in cry to express their emotions.
    Another example of stereotypes is that women are weak and their role is to be housewives and should not be allowed to fight in wars. Numerous have shown that women develops a good verbal skill and are intelligent just as man. Women can use their skill to serve society. Any woman can do any job she wanted to do as long as she is dedicated and consecrated to her job; women are just as strong, intelligent, and intellectual as men. Men can’t handle the quart of experience and pain that a woman going trough during her lifetime. So they should not let these stereotypes discourage themselves. Most women trend to be discourage by their male peers reaction when they are working in society
    So many stereotypes have been implied on people based on groups, religions, gender, race, etc… For example all Muslims are terrorists, all blond are stupid, woman should not get education, black men are violent and paranoid and so many but they are not always true. Society believes in stereotypes because it’s a study theory proved by scientists and psychologist that’s all. Just because some stereotypes applied to certain Lifestyles it does not mean that every one has the same lifestyle. And also just because a stereotype say something it does not mean we necessary have to follow it.

  4. Stereotypes are not always true. Especially gender stereotypes. Gender stereotype often discriminate and underestimate women as well as men in society. For example men that cry are weak they’re not supposed to show their emotions in public, men’s emotion are supposed to remain inside them, however it’s OK for a women to cry and show their emotion. The fact and the truth is that we’re all human being at certain situation we got to let out what we feel within us whether is happiness sadness etc... .Now these stereotypes can be true for some men which for no reasons and trouble they are in cry to express their emotions.
    Another example of stereotypes is that women are weak and their role is to be housewives and should not be allowed to fight in wars. Numerous have shown that women develops a good verbal skill and are intelligent just as man. Women can use their skill to serve society. Any woman can do any job she wanted to do as long as she is dedicated and consecrated to her job; women are just as strong, intelligent, and intellectual as men. Men can’t handle the quart of experience and pain that a woman going trough during her lifetime. So they should not let these stereotypes discourage themselves. Most women trend to be discourage by their male peers reaction when they are working in society
    So many stereotypes have been implied on people based on groups, religions, gender, race, etc… For example all Muslims are terrorists, all blond are stupid, woman should not get education, black men are violent and paranoid and so many but they are not always true. Society believes in stereotypes because it’s a study theory proved by scientists and psychologist that’s all. Just because some stereotypes applied to certain Lifestyles it does not mean that every one has the same lifestyle. And also just because a stereotype say something it does not mean we necessary have to follow it. I personally think that stereotypes kind of categorize people and I do not like categorizing people based on few fact I know about them I’d rather learn everything about them first.

  5. Stereotypes are both pointed at man and woman a stereotype I've come in contact with is that all men can fix cars.But thats wrong because every man in my family on my fathers sider can fix cars and the all became mechanics.They taught me everything i know.But if your dad is pushing paper in a 5X5 cubical in a office then he probably can't teach you how to fix a sink.If your able to fix things in the future rides solely on your background and how your brought up .Another stereotype i know about is that they say every Asian man know karate.I think this is said because of all the Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies. But not every Asian man knows karate i have Asian friends and none of them know karate.Another stereotype is that all black people like fried chicken this one of the most popular ones I like fried chicken and so does the rest of my family but there are some black people that don't like fried chicken.My friend Jaquan Adams hates any type of chicken or meat. And there are other like him they call them selves vegetarians and there are black ones not just white there are vegetarians of every ethnicity too.A lot of people believe that Jew are greedy, unscrupulous, cheap people. A lot of them are just how there portrayed but that how america is everybody's trying to make money in this dog eat dog world we live in they live in better community because they stick together instead of killing each other like a other race we all know. White people also have stereotypes against them too like if you know how to shoot a gun and collect them, you are white trash.Or if you have ever been hunting, you are white trash these make it seem like all white people are hillbilly's and a lot of them are are senators and government officials very smart jobs.Mexicans are said to all be construction workers and to be all illegal.Also that they all have slicked back hair and that like 50 of them can fit in one car.The number one thing they say about Mexicans is that they have to many kids.There one stereotype that I thing relates to a lot of black kids that they have a single parent and its usually not the father

  6. There are many stereotypes are explained in life for lots of years . But gender stereotypes is something is different and used in many different ways. Women should not be able to be involved in several sports such as football this is an perfect example that other man can react to. Many men think football is only for men because women aren't tough or not. In today's world we have lots of women way tougher then men us men today.This is an Argument that leads to many such as behavior which runs straight across this. Stereotyping is suppose to be a word that leads too argument. When your human in life your always will be stereotype because of the reactions you take and make threw out life. Fighting for whats you believe in makes this a key goal inside of this issue. Men should go out and look for work while the wife stays home and watch the kids i am not saying this a problem but women should also take part inside of this. Maybe both parents should will be very special because its like if one parent is working than that's bringing lesser money to your household, but if both parents are working then you using that more money to bring more money inside of that house and the children are receiving what they want or what they need. Most people do not believe in stereotyping but i can say i am part of the group that's positive. Most of these stereotypes aren't fixed different genders would just take this right to the heart. But there isn't anything wrong with everyone is serious when it comes to problems like this that occurs. When it comes down to this racism and stereotyping are similar some ways also because with both of these things occurring they both have to deal with judge he, she, or what by something. What brings argument to stereotyping is that everyone in the world today wants every gender to have the same rights to do a lot, it shows that everyone can't compete at everything.

  7. There are many stereotypes that can be found bases on the weakness of both female and male in todays society. One of the million whould be that men that cry are weak and is a punk. I believe that is not true because everyone have feelings and face many hard times in our lifetime. But that doesnt mean to cry over spilled milk every time. Anothere would be based on both females and men. When facing conflict and disagreement, when some on disrespect you in the time of choosing to make a choice to fight. You would really have to do something crazy or try to harm me or a family member for me to fight. Otherwise I feel I am a young woman with respect for myself and only animails fight in the streets rolling around like cats and dogs! Others may disagree but if its not for a good reason why should i wast energy and breath on some childish person. So others may say that thats being weak, but I believe its have to do with how much respect for self. Socitey believes that this is true because of the images that is shown in music, movies, on tv, schools.
