Wednesday, December 22, 2010


College was a wake-up call for Barack Obama after attending high school at Punahou in Hawaii.  What do you expect life IMMEDIATELY after high school to be like?  What do you expect to wake up everyday and feel, see, hear and know? What do you hope to experience and learn about yourself and why?
(MUST BE between 350-550 words.  DUE BY JANUARY 4th)  If you have problems posting, please email me at by JANUARY 4th @ midnight EST.


  1. Life after high school would expect to be a little hard. Because College isn't quite the place television makes it out to be. It is challenging, and it becomes your life for 4+ years. Many careers now also require graduate school, or other post-graduate work, further delaying your entry into the working (and by that, I mean money-earning) world.
    And for some, the adaptation from life at home to life at college can be just too much. Too much what? Too much problems ,too much stress, too much change, too much homesickness, too much being around with people you don’t know or a combination of the above. The truth is college is somewhere where you think different, meet different people, the surroundings can be hard to get a custom with, and its okay that’s life. That’s when they need to start thinking about what it is they’ll be doing with their future. In college its so much to expect doing more work meeting new people into your life, knowing what you want to make money for the rest of your life. This is why its really important to know what you want to be in life and to like what you are aiming for. Because when leaving high school and entering college it can be times changing your mind at your career. Which is totally not cool because its wasting time and your money. In college I would expect to wake up to people being mean, too people being nice, people I have no clue who they really are, your classes/professors talking while you listening trying to learn as fast as the professors talk really quickly, while all eyes on you because you are a freshmen in college, people introducing themselves to you and not making friends with the wrong crew, ( people will start to judge you by the company you keep) , people disliking you for who you really are, waking up to a huge building trying to find your way around with a map in your hand learning your surrounds while trying to keep up with the rules ,this feeling can really be overwhelmed. Knowing that everyone and everything are new to you its like entering a whole new world especially when a person like myself don’t like being around lots of people. the list goes on to what you expect to wake up everyday and feel, see, hear and know in college. When I enter college I hope to experience and learn about myself to new things and getting more attach with being nice to people because so many people say I am mean. I actually don’t think I am mean its just people brings the meanness out. If someone really gets to know me I am really the nicest person you will ever meet. Its just I don’t like having much friends or associate with much people. Because my aim in life is success not having friends. Remember friends enter into your life and exit your life.

  2. After high school I believe my life will change so much. I will be more independent then before. I think the feeling of my everyday life after will be me still waking up early in the morning to get ready to go to work or college first. Whichever one I decide to do first throughout my day. But I will be doing both working and going to college after high school. Waking up in my own private apartment where there is peace and quiet and very clean sweet smell of roses. After I get out of school go back home to rest or a brake be for I stare the other part of my day whether it be work of college at night no later than 11pm at night getting home to get rest for another day of work and school. The job I will love to have after high school would be working at a child daycare sinter. The college I will like to attend will be a comminute college in NYC that I will major in Early childhood education. I believe I will have the feeling of freedom to live my life without any rules of dos and don’ts dos. I now will live on my own have bills to pay on my own. So I will have to remain focused to reach my destiny of becoming the school teacher I want to be someday after college. Maybe my own daycare sinter. Married by then with children and a bigger house. I can’t predict the future. Who knows what the future holds! Which means that no knows how easy or much harder it will be. But faith will get me through along with hard work and confidence. Support from my family and close friends that will stick by me until God knows when. Hopefully after high school based on the express of conflicts and negative vibes to avoid. Also wisdom form many life lesions faced. Hopefully I will learn more about how my life experience can help others around me from making the crazy mistakes that I made in my life. Help someone in the time of need to be there and lesion. To encourage those that needs to be in a devastated point in his or hers life, before it can affect his or hers future.

  3. From looking at the way life is going right now I veiw life after high school and into college as challenging. Why? because when you move away from your family it`s going to be hard trying to make friends and adapting to the environment. Even finance will be an issue so you will be better of having a part time job. Many people view college as a destiny. But my opinion of viewing life after college from highschool will be a long walk fill with influence,encouragement,advice,deteremination and caution. Waking up everyday you will still feel like you want to go back to sleep but there is alwasy that other side of you saying get up and do what you have to do. If you fail in doing what you have to do you will fail yourself and the only way to avoid failing is doing what you have to do when you wake up every morning.You will start seeing the same people who`s in your life for a reason or just ones that are on the same track as you to achieve their main goal. And that is to graduate from college with a degree that will link you into a career that will make you sustain and maintain the wages of life.Steping into college you will hear the educational converstions of students and the annoying sounds of book leaves when they turn. I hope to find a solution or method that I can use to get through the period of hard work and dedication whiles am there. And to experience new things from people with positive views in life. That may help me know some thngs that never came across my knowledge.And I realy want to see how my personality will change when I am in an institution that unlike school where I can miss and homework or arrive late to class. My hold ways in doing things I think is going to change because having such strict policy of homeworks, research papers etc. Will make me take my work and ever other thing else seriously.

  4. I do not expect life after high school to be a bed or roses. I expected it to be much harder than life in high school. College is where you start learning about you future career, thinking about the future holds for you. college is where you start to take responsibility for yourself , you manage your own time take your own decision , you get to meet new people and friends, exchange different points of views on different matter you going away from your parents . For some people it can be too much stuff to deal with. Which is understandable however they should not let these challenges affect their academic life is all about challenges anyway. If you want to be a successful person you definitely have to come across difficulty and challenges in you lifetime. I haven’t Experience College yet but I believe it is placing where there are mature people, who respect, and share people idea and opinion. Right after high school real life begin, it’s when you begin to experience, see things that are different from what you are used to see. After high school I will probably get a part time job. I think my first years would be much easier than my second and third year based on what I planned. I would wake up every day in my life after high school and do whatever I’m supposed to do, go to work after school. Hear my professor teaching different lesson everyday, deal with whichever situation that is at my job, school and home. I hope to experience real life stuff I hope to go outside my comfort zone in every aspect of life and much more. Also expect my friends my family and my professor to encourage me in life this college life. Do my best in every subject even I f I don’t like it will also take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to me. I would also like to bring new contribution and idea to college and be a part of different activities and club
