Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Barack Obama was continuously seeking how to be a "Black Man in America" through various forms of pop culture (movies, TV shows, music, etc).  As a teenage, what is one movie, one CD/album, AND one TV show that resonates with you so much that it has inspired you to alter  your life.  What changes did you make as a result of being exposed to each movie, album AND TV show.  YOU MUST PICK one of each, not just one choice of popular culture. (MUST BE between 350-550 words.  DUE BY JANUARY 4th)  If you have problems posting, please email me at by JANUARY 4th @ midnight EST.


  1. A movie that I enjoy watching would be “Brown Sugar” By Ricyiwk Famuyiwa. I like this movie because of the music and culture in a commute that can have a major effect on your future and happiness in life. Also childhood friends and memories like movie can have a positive effect on you, your talent, career and friends. This movie I can relate to because of my very own experience with hip hop and music period! The use of music to express myself, my way of seeking a clear thought. The way I tell my story. Leading up to an Album that I enjoy that have had an effect on me, would be Aaliyah’s “Age Aint Nothing but a Number”. I love this album no matter how old I get I will still play this album! I am a big fan of Aaliyah. But this album is one of her albums I’ve learned from front to back. This album of swag of grace and soft voice. Baggy tome boy style of dressing with hair over right eye or a pair of dark sun glasses. Crazy but I dressed like her that’s how much I love her style. Her creative soft dace moves and signature belly dance in every video. Her style of confusability. Cool and sexy that I love and can relate to. A TV show that I also enjoy watching will be “Martin” by Martin Lawrence. I love this show because of the funny characters and topics when watching this show. The crazy, funny personality and relationship shared by main character Marin, girlfriend, friends and other crazy characters Martin places on his show. The effect that this show has on me is my personality and sense of humor.

  2. Growing up as a teenager I have experience alot of things around different people,events and activities . Some of these stuff are wacthing tv shows like everybody hates chris that teaches me the life of a family who`s parents works two job`s to make ends meet,Eminem's "lose yourself" song that made me realize the concept of determination when striving to achieve a goal in life,and " behind enemy lines" because even though his partners were shout down he still continue the mission. These selections of movie,tv show and music have made me altar my life in positive direction to be cool and and smart at the same time. However somethings that I have start doing whiles I have heard and wacth these stuff, was that they made me be resposible in every action that I take. And once doing something I do it with my best knowledeg and understanding. Listening to the words of understanding in Eminem song " succes is my only option failuers not" made me start doing what ever it takes to past all of my classes in school that will help me sit to take my required regents examination and to gradute from high school. An even persue my studies in college later on in my life.In the movie "Behind the enemy lines" made me understand that whenever your are doing something that your mind put you to do, do it because the addrinaline rush that flows through your body sometimes makes you forget about the things you fear and it gives you that extra boost to accomplish it. Watching
    the show "Every body hates chris made me realize the struggles that many families have to go through even though they work hard. Now that I have grow up and have a better understanding to see how hard it is to work and get money I never question my parents when I ask them for it and they tell me they don`t have any. Putting together all of these changes made me become a different person at home, at school,at church or when I am with my friends. Because you can't talk the same way to your teachers like the way you talk to your friends.You just have to maintain that level of respecting your elders in life, and doing this make people think off you in a positve way.

  3. ‘’A walk to remember’’ is an amazing and unforgettable movie. I watched this movie three years ago and it is my favorite movie of all the time. I loved everything about this movie from songs to actors but most importantly the themes and the lessons this movies deliver. Love, influence, faith, the capacity to change and be a better person judgment based on appearance. And a lot more. This movie was an inspiration to me. And I can easily relate myself to it especially to the character jame. There is a lot I can say about this movie it will probably take the whole blog but anyway .the album I liked is ‘’fearless’’ by Taylor swift. My favorite song in this album is fearless. I believe Taylor is an amazing and talented singer. I rarely listen to all the songs in an album but for this album I did. There were songs in the album I can relate myself to it. Her vocal is great. There is message she delivers throughout each song and most of her lyrics are based on true story. Taylor’s awesome, sweet, fun and she writ her own songs. I think she brought all of this character into her album. When she’s onstage you can see and feel that she is real to herself. Taylor swift album ‘’fearless’’ inspire me .although I don’t watch TV so often the TV show series I like is glee I like the choreography and the song. I think dancing and singing is a beautiful way to express ourselves .i like the funny personalities in glee and the mood of the show. I think the song and the choreography are inspirational. The actors are great and awesome I love the joy the hope the joy they bring in the show. I think the movie a walk to remember the album fearless and the TV show series glee all have a positive impact in my life because of the inspiration they all brought into my life. I also think that every adolescent can relate their life to these movie shoe and music
