Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Barack Obama had an array of friends with colorful personalities ranging from Ray, Regina, Marcus, Frank and more.  Write about 2 VERY different friends (or family members) in your life and discuss how you are close to both people although they are extremely different. How do you communicate best with both of them?  How do you handle conflict with them?  Are you more open or truthful with one verses t he other? Why/Why not?  Do you confide in one friend versus the other when it comes to certain topic matters? Why or why not?  How have you grown as a person by having two vastly different frienships? (Please give them made up names to keep the blog confidential) (MUST BE between 350-550 words.  DUE BY JANUARY 4th)  If you have problems posting, please email me at by JANUARY 4th @ midnight EST.


  1. I have two family members that have two very different views on life. Both members are of African American descent. But are the total oversets which can lead to confusion. The first member I will that have a view of thinking that there are a lot of ignorant black people in this world based on their different life style and the way he or she is razed. This first member is one of my young casinos. My young cousin is very smart and talented we get along very well. It sounds crazy but really we do. The problem is that there is always an issue or crazy debate with her between my other casinos. This member was brought up in long island with a big house, two parents, the only child and a pet dog. Not say the reason her views on life were negative because of the majority of her high school and friends was white, Irish, Italian. She felt like she wasn’t black. Or above it my other cousins would say. Like she was better than us. From her actions of correcting their speech, when each one will talk at family gatherings and in public. Then it will turn in to another outburst that ends with the adults giving all of us a speech. That turns into one of us getting in to big trouble for name calling. The next family member that is the obesity of my little cousin would be one of my uncoils, that is very Afro American. He is very smart and funny to. I can ask him about anything about African American history. But he views on white people is crazy. He goes by many stereo types and do not trust them at all. I try to talk some sent into him but I just stop because it will only levee me watching Roots and writing a report on it. Crazy right! The effect on me that these two people have had on me would friendlier. Understanding and avoiding issues and conflict issues like these by just walking out the room or remaining quite. Changing the subject to a more positive discussion. But most of all learning and knowing about my past through my education studies. Working hard and make a better living for myself for the future as well.

  2. I have two different types of family members that are totally different from my life style. I am totally close to (family 1) in so many different ways going shopping and hanging out. But can never agree or so the same thing we like doing. Because we are both different and like different things. Because (family1) is Jewish while I am half Jewish. While (family2) are rally charming and loveable. I really love and care for both equally, but we actually think and likes different things. We can never agree on doing things I like and want to do. Because they both want to do their own thing, while I go along with them. But guess what I try and tell them we are extremely different . Family1 we communicate when she travels to New York and Family2 I always take a drive to New Jersey with my mom when its family fun times. Family1 works as a CSI Agent .Family2 attends college is Yale University. They both have a colorful personalities and always talking about black people. They always think they are fully white I always try to explain your other side of family is black like myself. But they always say I am mixed. But I don’t consider myself as mixed. This is a huge conflict we always talk about and I try to get it clear but yet still I cannot make myself clear so I just leave it alone. And try not to bring it up, because I don’t like arguing and going back and fourth when its address the wrong way. I m more open with family2 because sometimes understand where I m coming from more but yet still hey both misunderstand the meaning from whites and black. I accept the fact that I m Jewish but family1 is Jewish and address things different. I confide in family2 is always around when its family time. But family1 is always traveling working. I have grown as a person little bit of everywhere with a little bit of everything. That teach me a lesson having family members that are totally different from I m. I try and point out the vastly different to them. And I learn from what they say and how they address things because they actually older and experiences more than I did.

  3. Growing up I have experience alot of things around different people who had said to be close to me. And have different point of views and ways in doing things in life. Sean and Quane, two of my best friends who i knew from since the age of five(5). They both know each other but for some reason they don`t like each other when it comes to doing certain things like cooperating etc. However on Sean side of life his views of persuing his education is always positive. Seeing that we are the same age he talks to me like a big brother. Certain things that me and other people find funny he thinks that it's an embarasment. He never like talking about other people and there problems. He always tell me that that there`s problem and in this life is important to mind your own business because minding there`s is just wasting your limited time. I go about coaping with Sean by always staying on the positive side in any conversation that we get involve in because I don`t want it turn in to an arguement. I am more thruthful to Sean because everything he do he takes his time whiles doing it. And never talk bad about someone or something. And if I have a problem he always give me solutions to fix it. On the other hand my friend Quane always do things that may make someone hurt or upset.He never like talking about thins that are positive in life as like earning a good education. His mouth is always overflowing with the lines of violence or neglegence. So there is no way that I can mix neglegence with intelegence so approaching a person like Quane I always have to be on the negative side for a while untile the wrong doing get overbearing. So sometimes I tell him that it's wrong what he's doing an he`ll just stop and think for a while like a person who`s at a restaurant that don`t know what to eat. An all of of a sudden he looks like he's going to listen but then again leaving for a day he falls back into the same unbecoming behaviour. Having these two friends of differnt character and ways I learn how to mix among different people just by being among them as an student. Just by listening and then ask questions. Then find and realize what is right and wrong from that person's point of view.

  4. My cousins E and M are like the night and the day . They have different personalities, different point of views on any situation that is presented to them whatsoever .I guess they are so because of what they experienced in life and probably because they are older than me . M’S parent divorced when she was 9 so it affected he views on mostly everything especially the way she sees marriage she thinks marriage is hell based on what she experience in her childhood. M is judgmental person she’s not scare to speak her mind. She also trend to be pessimistic and sometime lazy. However E is an energetic person and really optimistic in her life contrary to M whenever she goes she bring her energy and a sense of humor she hate to judge people she thinks people are free to be what they want to be and do what ever they want as long as they don’t hurt the people around them. I recall her saying to M. ‘’just because your parent made a mistake in their life does not mean you going to be just like them .you can’t just shut down yourself for something you re not responsible of ‘’ E respond to her saying it’s because she did not went trough what she lived during these years that is what she suggest solution .I’ve never take side during their argument knowing that they both had different lifestyles. Whenever I’m with them I try to avoid topic I know will turn into an argument and I always come up with things that he three of us will like .it’s my way of resolving argument between them. I love them both and I wish one day they could understand each other. What I really and truly like about them is that most of the time when they argue about something they do not say insult each other or say nasty words to each other and I believe they both have something special in their personality . although I’m not truthful or open with M more than E when it comes to certain topic matters I confide myself in M. because she is a good listener and she always give me good advices. Being around them thought me that two different people can disagree on certain topic and being nice to each other
