Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interracial Marriage/Dating

In the book, Dreams from my Father, Obama writes about how his mother, Ann, and his father, Barack, Sr, were dating during a very racist period in history.  What are your views of interracial marriage/dating (black/white, latino/black, white/asian, asian/latino, white/latino, etc)?  Where did you get your opinion of your views of interracial marriage from? Does it cause problems when these unions produce bi-racial children? Why or why not?


  1. Well first of all I have a very positive view of interracial marriage and love don`t form by the color of the skin or a twist in the way people speak but trust in each other an that kind of feeling that comes upon you when you find your soul mate. However my views of people from different ethnicity having a relationship is not something that people will always follow from generation to generation.It`s just common sense that tells you that. You cannot force someone to be with someone if they don`t like that person that`s why people of different race be together. Many racial people of a certain race will like there future generations to continue with the same type of people that of there forth parents. That`s why when looking at people throughout their entire family you find that them being of the same race. When looking at the percentage of interracial children of a certain society the number is like half times the population of that area. You find it rare of people being racial toward biracial children not like before the either go to jail or be killed because it was a crime back then. Many people had to go into exile just to be together because of the way society reacted towards them being together. So people of different race thinks it`s best to move away from their family and be together sometimes. However a educated person will tell you that there is nothing wrong with race mixing we are all people that emerge from different parts of the world, what is wrong with people of different race having a relationship ? Nothing is wrong when studying the fact why or why not people of the same race race should be together. People who find it a problem with people of different ethnicity being together are just people who are just uneducated an don`t know how people feel towards the mixing of culture and nature. There are just envious and don`t have nothing better to do in their life that`s why the judge people how to live theirs.

  2. My opinion on interracial dating/marriage is that I think love is love. No matter what race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality. Love has no color and sees no boundaries. Your race should not determine or be a factor in your decision when choosing, dating or marrying someone. It should be based on the content of their character quoted by Dr.King. You should love someone for who they are not for how they look. It should have a deeper meaning that just external pleasure. Love is what makes the world go around, it’s what wakes us up at night with a smile on our faces. Don’t let something as silly as someone’s race deter you from fulfilling your dream of being with someone. Someone people pay too much attention to what their family or friends say, carrying on their morals and values on what their image on the perfect person for them. The issue with race and interracial partnership is even strongly loathed in society people don’t want to accept two people of different race happy, they want to see them sad because they can’t stand that they are conjoined. It must be a white man and a white women or a black male and black female. It must not be two people in love but two people of the same race in love. I got my opinion on interracial marriage from the idea or quote that says love has no boundaries passes over borders, thoughts and imagination. We can find love in the most exotic places with the most eccentric of people but they love how different they are because they complement each other. In today’s world it’s all about who’s going to make beautiful babies rather than who’s in love with whom. In today’s world black people are obsessed with the idea that light skinned with long hair is better than dark skinned with short hair. It’s there slave mentality that dark skin wide nose short hair is not good enough. Unless you are light or brown skin with colored eyes you are not beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. You don’t have to fit that cookie cuter stereotype of what beauty is. Beauty is skin deep and it is for our eyes to see and judge. We hold the decision and key is our hand to make about what we feel beauty is. People worry too much about what others say and think that it runs and ruins their life, base their decisions on the opinions of others. Trying to be or fit that person’s ideal perfect image of them. Being going with the flow and being followers instead of leaders, no one wants to lead because they are afraid they will steer people in the wrong direction, no one wants to be responsible for others misfortune. It’s like a ship if the captain dies who will conduct the ship to get all the people to their destination safely in other words who will be the hero.

  3. Many people would have several different reactions and feelings towards interracial marriage or dating. Personally, I do not have any problems with interracial marriage or dating. This is because, I believe that no matter what race someone is and if there’s someone that is of another race and is attracted to that person they should have that opportunity to pursue each other. Also, there is a possibility that the person who is attracted to someone else of another race could treat that person better than if they dated someone of their own race. Additionally, the person that is of another race would probably end up marrying the other person of another race. My opinions of my view came directly from me because, I have dated a girl from another race before and we had a lot in common. Eventually, we fell in love and unfortunately we broke up. However, after we broke up we stayed as friends so the point of that example was that if I wouldn’t have ever tried dating a girl from another race than I would have never experienced being with someone who wasn’t African American. Another benefit to dating someone who is another race from yours is you get the opportunity to learn about other cultures. What I have realized from dating girls from other races is that the Hispanic culture is very similar to the Jamaican culture. This is because; listening to their music and reggae would give u the same type of exciting feeling. Also, the foods are somewhat alike in a way if you think about it. Another similarity is just like the Jamaican culture the Hispanic culture has their own types of dances. The main thing that could go wrong with a interracial marriage or relationship is that the parents of one of the participants in the relationship not agreeing with the relationship. What would be worst is if the parents don’t agree with the relationship and a baby is produced. This is worst because the parents already would like one of the people in the relationship and then a baby would be produced which means the person who is disliked would have to partake in the life of the other partner.

  4. I’m not again interracial marriage or dating. I think color, age, religion, etc...Don’t matter in love. You married a person based the character and what you appreciate in this person. There is nothing wrong for black and white to date. Dating a person from a different race is a way of learning different culture. The problems with interracial marriages is the kids, kids are the one who take the rap. The kids are usually confused about what they are. Some kids consider themselves as white and don't want to be called African-Americans or vice versa, and that can affect their whole life. In this case parents have to team up and educate their kids about both cultures, and race. Parents, friends are sometimes against interracial marriages/dating. as long as love exist between two people I say go for it no matter what

  5. This is an topic that you can effects many relationships because several things occur while talk about.Being inside of this perspective is something i can not really explain but i can tell that when your thinking about or questioning one of these couples something they would do is get an attitude or tell you '' this is something i really can't explain.I find nothing wrong with Interracial Marriage/Dating , but if you find anything wrong with this problem I find you not that mature and not human but it's people with different opinions and that's they way i can't tell anyone how too react because i don't power to make this big move. But what we and they should think how are the children going to face this while growing up, we don't if the children would be picked on or teased. Interracial Marriage/Dating back then was an problem that i felt was disrespectful and rude and its something that everyone would take serious. We don't no and can't control anyone's relationship , their are several percentages that we would see this revolving around the world today but if i had to give an explanition one i would give is Frederick Douglass who's mother was black and father was white.Interracial relationships turn out to be more positive then Usual relationships because of the differences and likes about it but some differences come out worth it. There are lots of people around who you can say are bi - racial because of this occuring you can be black and white and etc. But the reason i can say it's good because they can get use the same information to team up and get educated form each others history. I like the fact that this questioned was brought up. To tell the truth their isn't any thing that we or you can do about. My quote is going to be '' never let anyone tell you what you aren't try you self and be yourself. Now what this quote means is have faith in what you are and everything should and will go your way if you strive for it.
