Monday, October 25, 2010


 Considering past racism and oppression, do you think blacks deserve special treatment or acknowledgment? For example, do you think American blacks should get reparations (money paid as an apology for slavery)? Do you believe so-called "reverse racism" against whites is acceptable? How much of a problem is racism today?  (Due Wednesday Oct 27th @ midnight)


  1. In my opinion, I think that blacks deserve special treatment or acknowledgment because it is bad how whites treated blacks during the time of slavery. Racism plays an important part in people lives. It is the way that a person takes it for example the way it is solve or all the things you have to do to face which can be changed. During slavery a lot of bad things had happen like blacks was getting bruised every day, getting whip, hang or just died. I think that white people should see how that really had feels and the way it have affected many people lives cause no one would want to live like that. In the world, every day there is always going be somebody that does not as you for whatever the reason is but things like that happen. It is crazy that some people today would just judge you by the way that you look without knowing your characterization. In addition, what is going on in your life without knowing how u feels inside? Today people use the quote “Don’t judge a book by its color” which really means a lot. In the world there was so many important people that wanted to stand up for what was right like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm x etc..that want through a lot of struggles and other weakness in there live just for others. Many people are not aware of how racism still exists in our schools and other places but still exists in the past. This is a problem because it is going to be happening a lot in the world. Racism can caused many problems for people to hate on each other because they may think it is a good thing to do. I think that people should not be treated with racism because it affects people in a way. If I was a slave, I know my live would have been really had for me to live. In a way, I would not know how would be looking or where I would of be right know. No one would not want to live like this cause I would say that the slave owner is taking away there life. By ordering them around=d doing things that they would not want to do. Like working hard, every day without getting any breaks having food they want, or making money. Yes, I believe in so-called "reverse racism" against whites is acceptable caused whites should know what is going on in the person mind while they have to do things for them. Everything that is happening was hard so there was a lot of complains for most people. Most of the slaves had did this cause I think that they had more power .It is still like that in some other races. Where people have more than others like Jews have more than African Americans do. But its nothing that we really can do so that can change but to wish for the best .But always try to do you and so positive no matter. what.When living like this don’t think that it’s a good way to try to compare yourselves with others cause things is different or worst. Many people is not really aware of whats going on to cause it is not considered them but you have to put yourself in there shoes and think what if that was you.

  2. I believe that every black person should be granted a good amount of money from the amount of years of slavery. But I also believe that this money should of been giving to black people all over a long time ago. After the fight for freedom. When our people had victory of a rebirth of our freedom from the hard free labor,beatings,name calling and put to death just because of being black. I believe if we was giving money it will not take away the sad,painful history. But this money would have build for black people a new begaining. I be lieve if we was giving this money alot of black people would'nt of been on crack, poor and on welfare, or even in locked up . It could of been one less of a issue or problem faced by young and old black people every where. Not saying that money can buy you happyness. I also believe if every black family was giving this money from this major event in history there is no telling how educated every one that have a better chance of the amount of education can be paid for. From being able to pay for college for every black child,good txt books and school as well. But being that we didnt get this money for gilt from our history, who know's what all black people could of gained in this world we live in today.

  3. From my view right now and throughout what I have experience in life there is still a racial tension in the united states. And the way we African American use the (n) word to address our fellow ones and people we don`t know encourage not only our selves but other races to look at us with no respect.And do the same so we look like the ones who`s skin tells a far difference from the rest. I don`t think that black people should be treated with special treatment but they should be acknowledge in every way. If black people were having a kind of special treatment in this world because of there hard work throughout the past in the plantations and factories. Now a days people will have still looked at us as the one`s with the most power because the will be saying the same thing we be saying about them when any other race has more power. People should n`t judge people by the color of the skin. No race should have power or special treatment more than any other. We should all be treated equally because when it`s all down we all are considered as people with great minds. Who`s taught`s and difference can make a change. People should n`t treat people like animals but as people. The way life is today a racial person will still want someone of the ethnicity to be in power even though that person will not provide proper conditions of there environment or for there needs. I don`t think that reverse racism against whites will ever be accepted because white people look at themselves as people with a lot of power that can be shown through there complexion . Every where you go you find racism, it`s so bad you may think it`s like a habit in the human race that is pasted down from generations to generations. However many years white people have been the most powerful in the world and looking dominate over every race, but one specific event that occurred lately was having a black president being elected in the united states that is label world power in the world.
    Barrack Obama made that change and difference that can show "yes" we black people can run the world and have power like any other race. But we as black people sometimes seems to pull our own kind down when we see them elevating just to make a difference in life that can change the way people look at us now and then.

  4. I think that blacks should receive special treatment because, us blacks been through a lot. We was slaves for the white people. Yes we should get paid to us because we were slaves working all kinds of hours and days. They hardly feed the slaves and etc. They should give us money worth for all the things they did to us and made us do. They just whipped slaves for no reasons or if they was tired and they stopped for a second they still whip them and say get back to work. Racism plays an important part in people lives. And we should get apology from the whites for treating us black people like that. Till this day racism is still going on. Well in my eyes yes reverse racism against whites is acceptable. We should treat them like slaves too. They wanted to whip us make us work disrespect them in all kinds of way. So we should pay them back and whip, make them work all kinds of hours and etc. Like what ever they did to us we should do the same rite back to them. Racism today in the southern states is still alive. What am I talking bout, Racism is still alive all over today. Whites still act funny towards blacks today. When we call them crackers it’s a problem, but when they call us niggers and etc. And we want to fight or what ever they want to call the cops and make up a lie or what ever and get us arrested. If a white cop comes to get us then the cop will probably beat us throw us in the car and take us to the precinct. Today racism is not as bad as it use to be. But there will always be racism in my eyes. I don’t think that it will ever die down. Because whites are still going to be disrespectful to blacks and blacks are still going to be disrespectful to the whites to. But the majority is that we should get paid for what they did to us and how they treated us. Till this day white people don’t know how to explain they selves for why they had us as slaves. They were selling our bodies to whites so we can work for them and etc. Why did they treat us like that?

  5. Based on past racism and oppression, blacks deserve special acknowledgements. There are several reasons as to why blacks deserve special acknowledgements. One reason is because; blacks have experienced multiple trials and tribulations to bring the lifestyle of African Americans to where it is now. African Americans should receive reparations because when racism was a big problem, blacks were treated as if they were worthless so with reparations being acquired to blacks now that would not be able to take back what happened but it will bring to our attention that racism is finally over and whites realized that the way they were treating blacks were unfair, disrespectful and should have never happened. Reverse Racism is something that is rarely present in this day and age. However, reverse racism should not occur because even though white people treated blacks with racism I believe that blacks shouldn’t stoop down to their level and treat them how they treated us because two wrongs do not make a right. In my opinion, reverse racism is not acceptable because white people treated blacks unfair and like animals and although treating white people with racism would be something that they deserve it wouldn’t be sanitary. Unfortunately, today racism is still present all over the world. There are several ways that racism is seen today through police, store workers, cab and bus drivers and some entrepreneurs. One way that racism is seen through police is when they often see young black kids of any black male in particular and they act overaggressive with them and mainly for no reason. The majority of times it turns out to be white police officers that do things like that. Store workers are racist because when some African Americans walk into stores and the first racist remark that they receive is an evil look. The next thing is thing is they try their hardest to get them out of the store. This makes the store look bad and prevents other African Americans from coming to the store. Cab drivers are racist because sometimes when white cab drivers see black people waiting for a cab they keep driving. Last but not least, entrepreneurs are racist when based on the theme of a party or event that they are holding they do not allow black people in.

  6. Considering past racism and oppression I thinl blacks deserve a special acknowledgment. For example I think american blacks should get a public apology. I believe they should get a deep sincer apology for many reasons. One reason is because black people have been through enough like slavery, segragation, humiliation and torment. With slavery blacks were forced to serve hand and foot to their slave owner or master. Also they were forced to clean, cook and work on cotten fields. With segragation they couldn't really go to school at first and weren't able to learn how to read and write. Also they had no equal rights. Also with segragation blacks had to sit in the back of the bus and wait in the back of the lines. They were humiliated and tormented because of their skin color. Black were made fun of and treated like they were inferior to the white race. Blacks were tormented because they weren't the same color and race of the self proclaimed superior race. They have been whipped in the corn fields, had body parts cut off, and had watched their families be taken away and be killed. I honestly don't believe that black people should get money. I think that because if they were allowed the money reverse-racism would happen and slavery would be created over again but with blacks incharged. The black people would probably let the money go to their heads and think they would deserve more money continuously. But I do believe black people deserve more and better opportunities. I don't think black people should get the money because it would just make things worse like racism and it would white people more ways to treat us different. Black people are SMART, BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, AND POWERFUL who can achieve their own money. I don't believe in reverse-racism is acceptable for many reasons. One reason would be that because that would put us on the same level as they were years ago. That would also mean that rosa parks sat for nothing, martin luther king jr walked for nothing, and barack obama ran for nothing. And that woudlnt make blacks any different from the whites. Racism today is as worse as it was back then but is still pretty bad. Some racists may not say anything because black people do it for them. Like saying the word nigger towards each other as a term of endearment. But really they are just calling each other dumb and other degrading names. Because the other race knows if blacks come together we can't be stopped from achieving anything

  7. When I first learned about slavery and how black people were treated then I would have said yes but in 2010 I am wiser and more in tune with the world. So I don’t believe that blacks deserve special treatment or acknowledgment. I have many reasons for this one being that one the reason abolitionists and other people supporting the black movement wanted slavery to stop was the separation between blacks and white. So by give special treatment to black people will basically be like recreating those barriers that were broken by the emancipation proclamation. Another reason why I say no is because now that black people have right’s just like the white man they’ve start acting stupid. Killing each other making fools of our self’s in public making people around us think were ignorant. Many white people still look at black people different because of the news how there’s powerful black people in the world who have money are making fool of them self’s on national TV.I don’t think that black people should get reparations because if black people were given money they would waste it immediately. They would by cars house they can’t afford all the name brand clothes and sneakers they could their hands on. Buying appliances and furniture they don’t even need gambling and any other ridiculous antic they could think of. But never not once would they think to use that money to donate to charities hospitals or orphanages. The money they could be using to use to cure diseases and funding cancer would rather be spent on video games and illegal things. Reverse racism against whit people is wrong because how can we rise above that past if we’re just going to treat them they way the treated our ancestors. It would be like spitting in their faces after they sacrificed, bleed, and sweat to get the bridge between us torn down. Racism is still a big issue in today’s world because it doesn’t just revolve around blacks and whites anymore other races Asians, Muslims, and Spanish people are also facing this. Racism will never die unless people learn to be the bigger person and let the past be the past and live in the now and not in the past.

  8. According to Martin Luther King Jr. all men are created equal, so what makes African Americans think they deserve special rights? Jews, Chinese and other ethnicities have also gone threw a lot. And the people are not asking for anything more of what they have. They are not looking back to the pass and moving on with their future. We can not go based on past actions and events, because we are living in the present and look at how we are going to form our future for better things than the past. Blacks deserve equal rights as any other ethnicity because blacks were not the only people to suffer. There were many other ethnicities’ who suffered in the past. Many that probably suffered more worst the African Americans so I let that stay in the past and focus on how people acknowledge me. I don't need any type of special treatment for me to master what I want in life. All I need is enough confidence that get's me to a stage where I know that I'm not going to give up. I don't need anybody to pay me back for a time that I did not go threw. I did not go threw a similar oppression like my ancestors did, as I appeared in life I appeared in a new generation where things are very different. Yes I believe in reverse racism to those who deserve it, because now a days people can't learn to be acceptant, and they end up being discriminate to others for no reason. Those are the types of people that deserve to be discriminated. Here’s an example of the ignorance I here most of the time, a person is struggling economically, then out of nowhere they end up blaming immigrants for taking all their job opportunities. I think racism is one of the world’s major issues today; I say this because as I observe today racism exists in jobs, colleges and many more. Many people are not really aware of what’s going on too at the moment of racism currently, if it was so easy to spot out racism at the moment then we would still be living in slavery times.
