Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nelson Mandela response

Nelson Mandela, the amazing civil activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, orator, and former South African President, once said, "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Give examples that support your stance. Also, what is your TRUE view of education and where does it fall of your list of "must haves" in life?  (THIS MUST MEET THE 350 or plus word count in order to be counted)


  1. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." This quote, which was said by Nelson Mandela, speaks the truth because changing the world would only become easy to do if you have an education. This means that I agree with Nelson Mandela’s quote since obtaining an education would give you a variety of ways to change the world. For example, if someone wanted to change the world in a beneficial way such as, creating shelters for the homeless then that person would have to go to school for Business and maybe Carpentry. Going to school for Business would give that person the skills, knowledge and ability to manage the shelters, hire workers and keep the shelters running properly. An education in Carpentry would become beneficial to someone trying to change the world by creating shelters for the homeless because, that person could contribute to building the shelters if necessary. As far as education, I have many ideas based on it. One main idea is some of the work that is distributed to students for them to learn, students may feel as if it isn’t necessary however it really is necessary because when we reach to college the occupation that you may want to major in may require you to know some of the works that students think are unnecessary. Also, I feel that some of the school requirements should me shortened. This is because, if a student has more credits than they should have but there all not in the right place and they are not allowed to graduate because of that I do not think that is fare because if that student would be able to go to college than he/ she probably would still exceed. However, I believe that everyone should be encouraged to receive an education because the outcome of that education that you will receive will result in the outcome of your future. Personally, education falls as number two in my list of must haves for my life. The reason being is because first I must have a roof over my head during my journey to receive an education. And education is second because that will depend on the status of my living ability whether it will become more luxurious, remain the same or decrease.

  2. Nelson Mandela is a man who is highly revered by the world. I agree with what he’s saying that "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Because with an education you can do anything you want in this world. You can be a lawyer a doctor anything you want to be. But even if you have education there all ways going to be obstacles that will try to prevent you from your goals whether it is your surroundings, past or family. There are people out there right now who are influenced and inconvenienced by where they live. Without an education you end up stuck in the ghetto which is an ignorant environment. When you don’t have an education in this world you are looked down upon, people look at you funny and certain job opportunity slip through your finger tips because people will think you’re stupid. With education it will help people become less ignorant and will help prevent wars and uniting the world in peace. Many idolized figures in history used education to change the world as we know it. One of those people was Frederick Douglass he was born a young slave but he strived for freedom and used education to gain it. He tricked the other white kids into spelling games and self himself to read and write. He started teaching his fellow slave to read and write and went on to become one of the greatest abolitionists in history. Another man who used education to change the world was Albert Einstein who was regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists of all time. He founded and created many things like the theory of relativity and his formula .I look up to these people because I want to be like them some day. I want to create things to change history to break barriers to shatter limits. To do these things I need to get the proper education like all people should do. If you want to exceeds in life. All forms of school we’ll help you obtain the tools needed to be great it may be a tough road but you have to push yourself and don’t settle for second place because the blue ribbon is waiting for you there .

  3. Words of wisdom could never be question, Nelson Mandela`s positive assertion above states that "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." I do agree with Nelson Mandela because when your young and still in school you won`t realize how hard your parents have to work for the money so that they can send you to school, that`s why they always say to you "take in your education so you can become successful later on in life". Not all the time your mom or father will have money to give to you. Life is like a cycle they mind you when your young and when you get older you have to take care of them back.As you grow older you get to realize how education is important and if you have it you have power. Having knowledge at a certain level will always help you to go into any working stream as long as you put your head to it and focus on your goal. Without education you will just be that uncertain person going through a lot of career mixtures just to make ends meet in the family. But as you play around and wait too late to make a decision you will end up falling in the wrong track too. From now to later my true view of education is one off the most wanted things to achieve in life,an on my list of things that must have education is at the top of it. To me the word education alone means knowledge,wisdom and understanding. My goal is to accomplish a high standard of education. When you look at the way life is set up now a days you can`t have a good paying job without even having a high school diploma or not even a two year associates degree. You can` t sustain and maintain your expenses in life without education. If it was n`t for education Nelson Mandela would n`t have had the ingenuity to bear that long period of time in prison for the people of South Africa. Because once they were free he knew the impact that it will have on the population and even a positive impact world wide.

  4. Nelson Mandela Once Said “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” . I agree with this quote because most people that drop out of school and not going too college for a better education mostly ends up bringing this environment into one of the worst . They don’t have the right education so they sell drugs and rob people because the education they have are less incomes they are getting from their job. I Agree for people too get the best education because less violence will occur and everybody would be on their own business . Without stealing people money from what they worked for which indeed their education helped them get that job . When people Drop out of school . Its harder because they don’t even have a high school diploma . Even though that diploma is not really strong for the world like your masters and bachelors degrees but you would at least need that too survive the real world . Or you will be caught up with the wrong crowd and doing bad stuff just too get money which messes up the environment . For Me Education is the “best life” if you don’t have education then you might as well die now . Education gets you a lot of places and makes your life much easier in a type of way . Education in my life is my third in my life . I say this because it doesn’t bypass My family and God . Other than that it is my top three . As Nelson Mandela Said , he very brilliant that is why he was at that high level in his life . Being a president for South Africa is a major thing . South Africa is very big and too say those words means that we all have too take use of our education , very valuable and it’s a weapon to decrease violence and have a better life . So people can be on their own business and walk their own way . It will cause less drama and it will make the world better and peaceful if everyone has their education .

  5. The amazing civil activist, nobel peace prize winner, orator, and former south african president nelson mandela once said education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. I agree with nelson mandela and his quote. One reason would be that education can help your life become better. It can make your life better because with education you can get the dream job and with that dream job you can get your dream house. Also with education you can make all the money you want and need. Education could help you change the world in many ways. With education you can become the next police officer and fire fighter and help people all over. Also with that education you can become the next best doctor and lawyer. With that education you are not limited to one job, you can become anything you det your mind to. You can own your own busines and become the next Donald Trumpm education can change the world because it allows people to do the things they love. Also because it allows them to help people who are homeless in their area and peopl around the world. Another reason why education is a powerful weapon is because it can help people ikn dangerous situations. Such as earthquakes, tsunamis and more. Most likely people without an education tend to fail in life and would have to struggle in life everyday. Also people without education drop out of school between eight grade high school because they felt the pressure and couldn't handle it. Growing up I really didn't care about having an education. I only went to school because my mother told me I had to go and it was important for my future. It was only until high school when I realized what she said was true. So far my education has gotten me to great places and has given me more opportunities than others. At first education was dead last on my list because I was young and only wanted to have fun. But now that I've grown up it ranks number two. It comes in second because I'm still young and education is important but its not the only thing that's important to me. Maybe when I graduate high school and enter college it will be first on my priorities

  6. I totally agree with Nelson Mandela ‘statement. It’s an inspiring quote. Education includes knowledge, values social and morale, skills, experience. I believe that every person on earth must be educated. From craftsman to farmers, every one needs education in a certain way.
    Education starts since the day we were born, we begin to acquire knowledge from parents first then later on from teacher and professor. The key of our education are teachers professors and parents. An educated person can transfer his/her knowledge from generation to generation. Anyone who wants to make a change in this world must reach at least a certain level of education. The reason why I'm saying that is because education is knowledge if this person does not have the basic which is knowledge how could he/she change or make a change in the world. Actually there is a huge difference between an uneducated person and an educated one. An uneducated person can't reason properly and logically he/she is mostly ignorant and cannot change the world unlike the educated one. Education comes thirdly in my life and it's really important to me. Someone told me once that '' When you become an educated person you start challenging yourself to know and you strive to get more. You take everything in your life seriously and everything becomes valuable to you religion, work, family, time and everything else. You look at things in a very wise way. You become someone important in the world and then you can make changes in the world. When educated you abandon your self from doing anything wrong and if you do, you think twice, you feel sorry and you strive and work hard for change. You try to guide yourself right. This is so true, today education is the most important thing that one can have and most people have it but they do not valorize it by dropping out of high school or refusing to go to college for a better education. All they have to keep in mind is that today in this world a person without education is automatically a failure

  7. Nelson Mandela once said “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. I agree with the statement because it is a powerful thing to use. ?you can change the world / your whole life with education. Education is a big part of life because you can get job, and get more learning experience. Education helps with a lot of things. If there was no education in the world today everybody will be dumb. Nobody doesn’t want to be dumb. They want to have the best / highest education ever he can get. President Obama has a very high education. The place he is today is from education . now he is the president of the united states. He needed a lot of education to become a president. He isn’t dumb. He went to school and learned a lot of things. Nelson Mandela. It is true that education have a very big huge deal on life. People who don’t like school or learning and etc. will just drop out of school and have only a little education not a lot. But if you stay in school your education can improve every time you learn something. College is all about education. School is education. Kids need too be in school everyday too improve they skills. Whatever they want to be in life all comes from education. The books are the best thing in life kids too have to be successful in life. Kids who drop out of school and etc. really just be selling drugs and etc. Nelson Mandela has a very good education too because he was the president of South America. He stayed in school and look were it got him today. A successful person He went through rough times and his life but his education made him successful. But education is all you mostly need in life. Education is Math, Science, English, and etc. those are mostly the ones you need in life because in English you will need too know how to speak proper English when you speak for a job interview and etc. Math you will need for money and if your work at a cash register you will need how much money to get and give the person back. Science you will need for experiments. If you work in the lab were blood and etc is at you will need too learn heavy education on your job

  8. Looking at this quote from Nelson Mandela makes you wants to do better in life while receiving the education you want and need. This quote Nelson Mandela told is true and is an very important that i and everyone should agree with. When you have education its lots of things in life that you and others would always succeed in. With the education I am getting i think any job should just straight out hire me because of them amount of years I've spent sitting in front of the chalk board. Getting an education makes you and other people around you happy . Getting an education is something that's emotional and is talked about around many people. Without a education how can you survive inside of life , but to different people it's possible i don't no how. You can take a look around the world today and you can see threw people and see they never received an education because of the way the he or she reacts. Yeah we can say no one is perfect but getting an education should be easy for anyone but it can also reflect on your behavior or etc. To have a job or etc. you have to just finish high school whats so hard about that. Being non-educated can lead you to be just nothing and it makes other citizens feel bad and look very bad. An example of a non-educated person is someone coming to you asking you for some change but sometimes its not true to tell the truth we don't no who coming up to us has a education or not. But if we can participate in helping our kids getting a education i will. But an goal for me is to make sure my kids would receive a better education than i have received. The goals of getting a education is received by taking just step by step and you can make it we all can make it. If i can get a good education then it should make everyone happier than i shall be. But with that key to success i am thinking i can be anything i want.
