Friday, October 8, 2010


Is it more important for black Americans to learn about African societies than people who aren't black, or should American blacks think of themselves as totally separate from African people? What could African cultures teach us? Also, what are some things about African cultures you have always had a questions about and what are some things you think Africans wonder about African-Americans?


  1. d the culture of the African people.From since the abolition of slavery in the eighteen hundreds they have always been an racial tension in the united states between the white and black people.Even today it still continues but you find it rarely happening. I think that it is more important for African Americans to learn the culture of Africans because the will able to learn about there forth father and parents that they came from. Doing so may help them to determine there blood line to show where they may have that attitude or looks from. But on the other hand many African Americans may think that learning the African culture would make them look more and be more like the Africans who lived in the African continent. But the hold view of the African Americans is based upon what the see and believe that may have that negative influence on them. Whiles looking at the news reports in Africa, news reporters only show the uncivilized areas of that country throughout the entire population. African Americans having a view like this may make them feel like the people who lived in African are not wealthy at all an following there culture or way of life may just lead them into poverty and make them end up just like them. What can African culture teach us? well I think that African culture can teach us a hold lot of interesting stuff like Art, music, and oral literature serve to reinforce existing religious and social patterns. That may help us African Americans to live and care for each other not fight one another down as soon as we strive for excellence. They haven`t been anything really that I have seen wrong with the African culture because that`s the birthplace of the African civilization so people who not of that ethnic group should not have any questions about African culture, because just like the buildings in England the still stick to the old pattern of doing things. From my point of view I think that Africans look at African Americans as people who forgot about where they came from and the history of there cultural heritage. Because they way many African Americans treat and mock Africans is like they are different in many ways. But it is only a small sum of African Americans who understand the culture of the African people

  2. .From since the abolition of slavery in the eighteen hundreds they have always been an racial tension in the united states between the white and black people.Even today it still continues but you find it rarely happening. I think that it is more important for African Americans to learn the culture of Africans because the will able to learn about there forth father and parents that they came from. Doing so may help them to determine there blood line to show where they may have that attitude or looks from. But on the other hand many African Americans may think that learning the African culture would make them look more and be more like the Africans who lived in the African continent. But the hold view of the African Americans is based upon what the see and believe that may have that negative influence on them. Whiles looking at the news reports in Africa, news reporters only show the uncivilized areas of that country throughout the entire population. African Americans having a view like this may make them feel like the people who lived in African are not wealthy at all an following there culture or way of life may just lead them into poverty and make them end up just like them. What can African culture teach us? well I think that African culture can teach us a hold lot of interesting stuff like Art, music, and oral literature serve to reinforce existing religious and social patterns. That may help us African Americans to live and care for each other not fight one another down as soon as we strive for excellence. They haven`t been anything really that I have seen wrong with the African culture because that`s the birthplace of the African civilization so people who not of that ethnic group should not have any questions about African culture, because just like the buildings in England the still stick to the old pattern of doing things. From my point of view I think that Africans look at African Americans as people who forgot about where they came from and the history of there cultural heritage. Because they way many African Americans treat and mock Africans is like they are different in many ways. But it is only a small sum of African Americans who understand the culture of the African people

  3. I believe that it is important for black Americans to learn about African societies then people who aren’t black for several reasons. One reason in particular is because, all black people are African American and most African Americans do not know anything about African societies. Also, black Americans should learn about African societies because some of the black Americans who exist may have ancestors who took part in the African societies at one point in time. Additionally, if black Americans would learn about African societies they may become fascinated with the information that they may obtain. If black Americans were to learn about African societies they would find out the many hardships that they had to face to stay alive, the way of life that they lived by and the type of culture that that Africans lived out in their societies. African cultures have the ability to teach us several things. One thing is there are multiple cultures that could be practiced that we do not practice. Another thing that African cultures can teach us is that there are types of dance, music, foods, clothing and other accessories that many black Americans do not pay any attention to that are of the African culture. Also, it can teach us about how they Africans are so grateful for what they receive because many Africans live struggling lives and anything that they get they accept it with the highest hospitality. This is something that many black Americans should learn to do because, that is having manners and there is defiantly an African person that would do that if they could take your place. Something’s in African cultures has left me curious because, everything that I used to hear about Africa was about how they were suffering and need help; however, I have just received information stating that Africa has several parts that are nice and people who are fortunate. Something that I have heard in class today was, “The house that I stated at in Africa, is better than the house that I have in America”. This quote was said by Ms. Zwana. I am curious because I don’t know whether to think about Africa as a place that needs help or a beautiful place to spend my vacation at. Some of the things that I believe Africans wonder about Americans are why we care so much about clothing and trying to impress others, other than trying to impress ourselves. The simplest answer to that is, most Americans are materialistic.

  4. I think its more important for the Africans and African Americans to learn about everything. If I can spend an hour with African , something he would say is '' We are all of the same kind and we should else take to learn more about our surroundings then not learning about any thing else''. In my perspective it's true while being a African American I want to learn every thing about my culture. Their are very different new things that we can find out about Africans or Africa and i would think they would want to learn more educated and non-educated things about our culture. Not all of the Africans would think the same some would think like '' oh their unorganized citizens they should not be educated from us. But when Im walking up to an African things i would want to no are government issues inside of his/her country. African and African Americans are really the ones that have been having problems lately. There are so much problems that we have been been threw in these past years. Racism and slavery were very important problems we have been threw in the with other cultures not wanting to get what they had '' an Education''. Which is something everybody wants and needs in life too succeed in your life. When we are all leading our young people today i want all of everybody to lead them to away that can understand it.In this world we should no once one person make it huge in life we all make it huge in life. So when Africans are looking at African Americans the wrong kind of way i want to no that we are all are no different. So now that our future keeps on going everyone should no what they want and don't want.

  5. The entire continent of Africa,known around the world as a place It is important for African Americans to learn about Africans because they need to learn about the resilience of the African people and complex and exqusiteness of the African continent and land mass.The African people have been through many trials and tribulations still they are able to bounce back from their adversity and pitfalls in history Africa is known as a location where the trading of slaves took place.In benin Africa which was a former gateway of slave trading,benin was known as a very abundant country that possessed a lot of wealth.Africans traded slaves for weapons and other products with the Europeans.It’s a conspiracy Africans and African Americans apart because they fear if we come together then we will become invincible/the superior race and we will rule the world.
    Some Africans don’t have the free education that is handed to us and some are malnourished and are poor and live in impovished conditions of life.where they only get to eat one meal a day,I am guilty of this because instead of basing my teenage life/future on important things I worry about materialistic and hedonistic things like hair or clothes or how lady gaga’s next album will sound.Focusing on my external value and not my internal value or if I am prepared to take a test{I don’t study then get a f and I don’t care} oh well as long as I get my new shoes or my new bag to wear to a uniform school.I am preoccupied with things that are insignificant to the platform of learning in school.while young children in African worry about where there next meal is going to come from we young American urban urchins trouble make for our parents giving them a bad reputation because we are problem childs with no direction no care for life.Black people have been through it all we are very sturdy people in that we will always take burden of pains are still be optimistic.Africa has been through so much in the past 100 years of it’s existence.Issues or conflict that affect Africa are war in congo/congo crisis,genocide,darfur,poverity,lack free education,malnurishment and disease.
    In benin west Africa which was ruled by kingdom of dahomey.The region became known as the slave coast during the seventh century due to the prevalence of the trans-atlantic slave trade.after france took over the area renaming it French dahomey in 1960. Dahomey gained autonomy from france with a domesticated govt. for the next twelve years.
    Africa is not like the stereotypes we make, Implications on what we think Africa is like but it’s the complete opposite of the our perception.

    Human trafficking in some parts of Ghana kindred may be punished for an offense by having to turn over a virgin female to serve as a sex slave within the kindred.
    Africa has has a lot of rich natural resources most countries like Egypt,chad,morocco,niger,sudan,Uganda,Kenya,Ghana,Sierra Leone, and Nigeria are abundant with cotton,coffee,tea,maize,sugarcane,cassava,petroleum,diamonds,gold,bauxite,manganese,palm oil,palm kernels,iron ore,cocoa,groundnuts,sorghum,limestone,soda ash,rubies,teff,millet,uranium,rice,wheat,phophatres,barley,citrus,dates,fruit and live stock.
