Friday, October 1, 2010


How much do you think your destiny depends on what type of people your parents/guardian are?  Do you think how you were raised controls your future or is it more about you taking the wheel?
(Due by Tuesday, Oct 5 no later than midnight) *Entries arriving after midnight or not meeting the 350-550 word count will not be graded* 


  1. I believe that based on the type of parents that you have depends on your destiny, also I feel that it doesn’t. There are many reasons as to why the type of parents that you have depends on your destiny and why it doesn’t. One reason why the type of parents that you have depends on your destiny is because, most teenagers watch what their parents do and often copy it. Additionally to that, when a parent does not do the right thing in life and is in trouble with the law, for example, then the teenager will have an excuse to do the same exact thing. I also believe that based on the type of parents that you have does not depend on your destiny because, most teenagers would be smart enough to avoid following what a parent has been doing if it was bad and focus on making their destiny successful. In addition, the way that you are raised sometimes reflects on your future and sometimes it doesn’t. However, in my opinion I feel that the way that you are raised does reflect on your future because, when you’re being raised your parent tells you what to do, and based on how much you love your parents or how strict that are, that is the only way that the way you are raised could reflect on your future. For example, my grandmother was extremely strict on my father as he was growing up. To me it was kind of hard to tell whether my father was still following the rules of my grandmother because he loved her or if it was because she was so strict on him that he couldn’t forget her rules if he wanted to. Eventually, I realized that it was because he loved her a lot and based on that he carried out those same rules from his child hood to now and he tries to make me and my brothers and sisters follow them as well. Sometimes I get mad about it because those are old rules but I still follow them sometimes.

  2. Throughout my years of life and living it. Many stuff had happen to me that I was blame for that I didn`t do in my family. However it was not latter on that i figure out that sometimes when your parents tend to argue at you about stuff that your trying to figure out, it`s because of problems that they have at work or with family members that the take out on you. These problems stair you down in the wrong path sometimes because they just don`t do it one time it happens often. With having your parent or guardian bothering you, eventually you loose focus on your school work,your intentions, and for the future. How you raised may control your attitude but not your future. It`s the people and your environment that influence you to do wrong upon the way you act,how you were raised may have a negative impact on your life latter on but you won`t notice it.It`s people that see`s a difference in you an it`s up to you that have the power to lead your life in the right path. people can`t change people,people change themselves. But the way you were raised may affect the one`s around you.An later on cause an error when time comes for you to build your foundation on your own that will help you maintain and sustain the daily wages that life throws at you. Your goal is there but your task is to stay on the right track to obtain it.

  3. yes i do beleive that your destiny has sum type of control dealing with your parents.i do think your if your parents is both respectful you will be to its .like your parent was brought up say please and thank you they would want they child to say the same thing .No i dont think the way you are rasied control your furture cause at the in of the day you gunna be you .you gunna have to achieve your own goals .like my mom and dad and grandma raise me and i grew up with my mom and dad in the same house holed before my mother die .then took on to live with my grandma but my i grew up in a great house holed but i decided to go my own route and do bad in school even thought i was never brought up like that . my lil cousin parents was barley around by she doing quite while for her self now its all about you taking your own route at the end of the day so no i don't think the way you are raised control what path you take in life. i agree with franklin when he gave the example of the boy karring not his parents dream childhood and decided to do his own thing it was simair to what i said. not said karrying out your parent tradition is impossible but it most the child do what she or she decides to do and what choice decided they decide to make in life as they get older and how they move on . also because i seen the way my sister now rasie her child and how she teaching him to say please and thank you he say it now .but ask he get older he began to lose thought of what he learned .its like a baby being born with all the knowlege and then lose thouqht of it when he get older and have to learn it all over again. what im trying to say it really don't matter what type of house hold he or she be raised in and its about what he do as he take thoughts steps top remember and do what you have to do to make the right choices to sucess and reache what ever goal you trying to get to

  4. I think that my destiny depends on a lot of things of the way my parents are. My destiny can lead to ways my parents act. I think that the way I raised would lead me into good ways. I have all types of manners. I do not disrespect anybody. The way I was raised is a manner way. My future is the way that I will get a lot of things. The way you act can lead you to thing. Jobs can come to you and etc. Some parents want their children to be just like them when they grow up but that doesn’t happen all the time. So some parents childhood was bad and they have been beating and etc. But when they produce a kid some parents want they kid to have the parents childhood. The parents wanted to show they kids how their childhood was. Everything that was happening to them. So kids don’t like they parents because how they treat them. My mother was never abused or anything like that so my childhood life was good and it is still good. But kids success brings joy into there parents eyes. That all parents ask for. Most of the parents today want all of their kids to be better then them and have a better life then them. Parents want they kids to be what they want. They want a successful life out of them. “Success” is the main goal. Parents will always love they children. My mother doesn’t want to control my life. All she want is her son to have a good job and have a family. Parents helps out with all the things the kids need help with. Parents even put their kids into colleges. Kids now and days have trouble with their parents. Parents be kicking they kids out at 15 and 16 years old. Most kids stay with a family member for a little while or some go to a foster home. The way you present yourself as you have manner, it can help you by a lot of ways. Family is the best

  5. I believe parents play an important role in our lives. However, i dont think that the way we are raised controls our destiny or future. It may affect or inflence our choices in the future but definetly not control it. When it comes to our destiny we are the one who have to make the choice. I know some people who were raised by very strict and religious parents,today the family values that thier parents taught them affect their decision and choices in a certain way. So i don't think the way you are raised control the path you are taking or chosing but i do think it may affect you and your decision in a certain way.

  6. Living in the environment i am now living in i can say i would make it far. But their are many things that i would need which are a smart brain, and encouragement. But when you have an single mother like me your destiny would be very successful. There many people around that won't have that encouragement to be told to them. So you would just have to just step up for them and do that big job. To lead this destiny i think you would have to look up to quotes like '' don't be an follower be an leader, '' Or follow your dreams ''. Someday you would have to get out there in the real world that's why you are getting prepare in your teenage life that's when your a young adults. There would be many's goals that you have to achieve in your life time that's why they say get ready while your at. Living where I've lived for 17 years something i can say is that everyone would want to make it. Some people can't make it because of several things like being abused , drugs , and etc. Where i live at in 2010 many hearts are being saved , but their are man people who want to go back and switch there life around and do it at the wrong time. We should have many leaders step up and change lives while they are at. Leaders like Al Sharpton , Our president , Governor , and more. If they don't look up to family member they would have someone else to look up to . But i say my destiny would lead me to good things like living my dreams. There Children who Parents look up to there children and tell them such and such to achieve different goals their are different people with several different opinions. While living my destiny i would want my children to learn positive things from me i would want my children to no more then me. But there are stuff inside of my destiny that would be positive and negative problems. Things i would want my future to no make sure you have an positive destiny.

  7. Your destiny is whatever you make it. In some cases destiny is decided for you. In those situations I believe it's really unfair to the child. I say that because they never get the chance to explore and see what they feel they were meant to do. To have that taken away is sort of like taking away a childhood because those are the years u see what it is that u want your destiny to be. Your parent/ guardian also play an important role in your destiny. The environment that you grow up in also adds to it. I ay this because your parents and surroundings will always have the most impact and influence on you and that is no matter what. This is such a big deal because the path you set is one the child will follow. Depending on the path that the parents have set is what will eventually lead to their destiny. If the influence is one that shows all positive assets then most likely the child will take to that. If your showing negative things and live in a neighborhood where nothing but bad happens then most likely the kid will follow that also. But then again I fell that as the child gets older and matures then they learn to make their own decisions then their destiny is in their hands. All the parent can do at that point is give positive help to assist their child to achieving their goal. I believe the only way u can really feel and analyze this is to think and put yourself in the position of someone who doesn’t have a real destiny or has one but it’s been chosen for them. To think as one about this wouldn’t be a correct way to think. When it comes down to it the destiny of a person will always been in their hands. If it’s not one that he or she cares for then it’s their destiny to change it and choose their own. Destiny ranges from bad to good it’s never anybody decision but the person it belongs to.

  8. I believe that based on the type of parents/guardian that you have depends on your destiny of the way that you act or do things.Your parents are there to guide you in live to do whats right but its your chose of why you do thing thats either negative or positive.How you raised may control your attitude but not your future. It is the people around you or your environment that influence you to do wrong upon the way you act,or how u see things.I know a lot of people that have been raised really strict or have good manners are nice,kind,respectful who act like little angels around there parents but with friends they go down a different path.In the world there are a lot of leaders and follows but you have to figure out what line that fits you best.If you have a lot of manners that can get you really far in life caused you know how to talk to people which may get you a JOB and a whole lot of other things.You really have to set goals for your self each and everyday so you can know how uyou want to do things.Parents play a important role in our live cause without them our lives would just be crazy knowing that you can do anything.A lot of people go through negative things but a wonderful way to see what someone else is going through is to put yourself in that person shoes and see how you would feel if that was you.For example people have someone on there side to look up to that have influence them but they just wanna stay down and do what they feel.The way that you are raised does reflect on your future cause when you are being raised your parent tells you what to do no matter how strict they are or how much you love them you should do what is said even through at times you dont.Most of the parents today want their kids to be better in then they are so they always say things to be successsful and to stride for the best no matter how much pressure they put on us.Your goal is there but you have to stay on top of ypur game and to show people you can do it.Parents want to show there children how hard there life was and all the things/steps that they had to do to reach where they are know with a successful family so they always say you can do anything if u can your mind to it.At times poeple dont feel like doing but theyy have to stand up for themselves and stay I can do it.I believe that if you are living a negative way you can to change that to positive.At the end of the day you always should want to hear people saying postive things about you but its how you carry yourself in live.I also think that your desIt may affect or inflence our choices in the future but definetly not control it. When it comes to your own destiny you are the one who make the choice depends on things that your have face in life.All the things i would want in my future is to make positive things happen so I can impact my life so later in life I can go back and say that i have did a lot of good things but,not only for myself but for others to see.In life there is so many things that you have to understand.If you set a goal for yoorself you have to follow it and not to never let anyone come in the middle of the goal cause time really flys.

  9. believe that based on the type of parents/guardian that you have depends on your destiny of the way that you act or do things.Your parents are there to guide you in live to do whats right but its your chose of why you do thing thats either negative or positive.How you raised may control your attitude but not your future. It is the people around you or your environment that influence you to do wrong upon the way you act,or how u see things.I know a lot of people that have been raised really strict or have good manners are nice,kind,respectful who act like little angels around there parents but with friends they go down a different path.In the world there are a lot of leaders and follows but you have to figure out what line that fits you best.If you have a lot of manners that can get you really far in life caused you know how to talk to people which may get you a JOB and a whole lot of other things.You really have to set goals for your self each and everyday so you can know how uyou want to do things.Parents play a important role in our live cause without them our lives would just be crazy knowing that you can do anything.A lot of people go through negative things but a wonderful way to see what someone else is going through is to put yourself in that person shoes and see how you would feel if that was you.For example people have someone on there side to look up to that have influence them but they just wanna stay down and do what they feel.The way that you are raised does reflect on your future cause when you are being raised your parent tells you what to do no matter how strict they are or how much you love them you should do what is said even through at times you dont.Most of the parents today want their kids to be better in then they are so they always say things to be successsful and to stride for the best no matter how much pressure they put on us.Your goal is there but you have to stay on top of ypur game and to show people you can do it.Parents want to show there children how hard there life was and all the things/steps that they had to do to reach where they are know with a successful family so they always say you can do anything if u can your mind to it.At times poeple dont feel like doing but theyy have to stand up for themselves and stay I can do it.I believe that if you are living a negative way you can to change that to positive.At the end of the day you always should want to hear people saying postive things about you but its how you carry yourself in live.I also think that your desIt may affect or inflence our choices in the future but definetly not control it. When it comes to your own destiny you are the one who make the choice depends on things that your have face in life.All the things i would want in my future is to make positive things happen so I can impact my life so later in life I can go back and say that i have did a lot of good things but,not only for myself but for others to see.In life there is so many things that you have to understand.If you set a goal for yoorself you have to follow it and not to never let anyone come in the middle of the goal. Cause time really flys.

  10. The way we are raised may or may not determine or control the type of decisions and choices we make in the future.when faced with adversity or uncontrollable living conditions it limits our outlook on life and holds us back,so we feel like we cannot accomplish our goals in life because of a certain setbacks in life.For example If a teenage mother grows up and tries to protect/teach her daughter safe sex and abstinence,it is likely that the daughter will follow in her mothers footsteps and get pregnant at a young age,because she feels like because her mother is pregnant she can get pregnant too or caught up in the act she indulges into unsafe sexual behavior and is impregnated.Parents play an important role in our lives and future however we don’t always have to take the advice or abide by the rules of our parents,it’s our choice to make.The place that we were born or grew up in weather it is rural,country side or surburban areas or carribbean/accent style upbring/enviroment.
    If we are raised around angry aggressive people we will become the same because that’s how we learned to express ourselves verbally,if we are taught to be well~mannered and courteous,or if we are taught to speak in slang/accent improper speaking.For instance there is a boy who is growing up in a abusive household,the person will become abusive in their relationship with the other person becomes violence and agressive during a fight with there partner,that’s how they are taught how to love someone,expressing love with violence,the cycle repeats itself.People who don’t know how to express there love for someone else,because they never learned how to do it seeing there parents fighting it’s does physical and mental damage to there brains,they cannot control there urge to want to hit or hurt the other person physical and mentally.Leaves them unstable in there relationship.Some parents are the ones who cause damage to their kids physically lowering their self worth or self esteem making them feel not good enough.
    A surburban teen grows up with strong religious values from her parents strict household grows up and becomes a drug addict college drop out because they gave into peer pressure and became apart of the wrong crowd of people.The parent is disappointed and decides to disown them because of there lifestyle embarrassment and shame that it has brought to the family.Growing up in a life filled adversityhurt,anger and regret it encourages the person to have a pessimistic outlook on life,because they are too broken to overcome there challenges.Also a gay teen grows up and is taught to hate who is is because of their sexual orientation.That they decide to commit suicide,because they feel hopeless and alone,they hate who they are,cause they can be themselves.A guest on the tyra show was deeply effected by his parents strict discipline that he grows up and have enmity for this parents and doesn’t talk to them because he felt like the way they disciplined him lowered his self esteem growing up.

  11. The way we are raised may or may not determine or control the type of decisions and choices we make in the future.when faced with adversity or uncontrollable living conditions it limits our outlook on life and holds us back,so we feel like we cannot accomplish our goals in life because of a certain setbacks in life.For example If a teenage mother grows up and tries to protect/teach her daughter safe sex and abstinence,it is likely that the daughter will follow in her mothers footsteps and get pregnant at a young age,because she feels like because her mother is pregnant she can get pregnant too or caught up in the act she indulges into unsafe sexual behavior and is impregnated.Parents play an important role in our lives and future however we don’t always have to take the advice or abide by the rules of our parents,it’s our choice to make.The place that we were born or grew up in weather it is rural,country side or surburban areas or carribbean/accent style upbring/enviroment.
    If we are raised around angry aggressive people we will become the same because that’s how we learned to express ourselves verbally,if we are taught to be well~mannered and courteous,or if we are taught to speak in slang/accent improper speaking.For instance there is a boy who is growing up in a abusive household,the person will become abusive in their relationship with the other person becomes violence and agressive during a fight with there partner,that’s how they are taught how to love someone,expressing love with violence,the cycle repeats itself.People who don’t know how to express there love for someone else,because they never learned how to do it seeing there parents fighting it’s does physical and mental damage to there brains,they cannot control there urge to want to hit or hurt the other person physical and mentally.Leaves them unstable in there relationship.Some parents are the ones who cause damage to their kids physically lowering their self worth or self esteem making them feel not good enough.
    A surburban teen grows up with strong religious values from her parents strict household grows up and becomes a drug addict college drop out because they gave into peer pressure and became apart of the wrong crowd of people.The parent is disappointed and decides to disown them because of there lifestyle embarrassment and shame that it has brought to the family.Growing up in a life filled adversityhurt,anger and regret it encourages the person to have a pessimistic outlook on life,because they are too broken to overcome there challenges.Also a gay teen grows up and is taught to hate who is is because of their sexual orientation.That they decide to commit suicide,because they feel hopeless and alone,they hate who they are,cause they can be themselves.A guest on the tyra show was deeply effected by his parents strict discipline that he grows up and have enmity for this parents and doesn’t talk to them because he felt like the way they disciplined him lowered his self esteem growing up.

  12. I believe that my destiny has nothing to do with how my parents are unless i want it to. My destiny is my own path and route that i would choose, my parents help guide you to what they think would be the better route for you. I can not be compared to my parents because we are completely different generations and I am going to have my own unique skills. Depending on your surroundings and what you feel is interesting to you helps determine your destiny. That’s you taking the wheel of what you know and enjoy. But then again you could adapt to what you are raised around and you might really enjoy what your parents are showing you. I feel the way that you are raised does reflect on your future because when your parent tells you what to do, and based on how much you care your parents or how hardened that they are, that is the only thing that could reflect on your future. Also some parents might be religious. But i say my destiny would lead me to good things like living my dreams. There are children who look up to there parents. While living my destiny i would want to become successful in knowing that I was able to achieve my own destiny without anybody stopping me or holding me back from it. To me when I hear the word destiny, I think of my future and what am I going to achieve and succeed in. I think this because everybody has their own fulfilled destiny. The negative aspect of your destiny is if you are surrounded by nothing but negative influences and you decided to follow that negative influence. I would not let any negative influence interrupt me from destiny. In example, if you are raised around aggressive people you will become aggressive because that’s what you learned from your guardian or surroundings. But on the other hand if we are taught to have manners and have respect you are going to be well respected by others, and that feels good. This is what I think of my this destiny.

  13. There are two sides to this argument I’ll state my side I do think my destiny depends on my parents. Because personally my mom has been hard on me ever since I could remember. I got yelled at and disciplined a lot my mom would be on me all the time. If me and my brother and sister did something I would be blamed for what they did I would get so mad. Why did I get blamed for what they did she would always say because your older you have to set an example for them I never thought anything of it at the time. I would see kids in my class when I was younger doing whatever they wanted too saying whatever they wanted to and not get in trouble. These kids not caring if there house are called because they know they won’t get in trouble. I use to wish I was one of those kids I could do whatever I want whenever I want. There would be no consequences for my actions I know I would get in trouble because when I go home I know my mother wouldn’t care. But then I saw how those kids were always in trouble and I know I don’t want to turn out like that. Another reason why I think that my destiny depends on my parent is because with my mom being hard on me she making me do chores around the house was actually her way of preparing me for the real world. So that when I leave the house I can survive in the real world. My mother always told me to never be lazy and half do anything if you’re going do something then do it to the full extent. And she always makes me go do this for myself she would always say go out and find a thing to do nothing is brought to you on a silver platter. All that yelling she does finally started to stick in my head. I was brought up my strict mother and I’m glad she was strict with me because instead of being in school getting an education I could be a drug dealer in jail learning a lesson.

  14. I strongly believe that your destiny is control by your own self. people can tell you what to do but its choice to listen. my parents are only in my life to guide me to right path they feel is right. i am my own person and make my own decisions so at the end of the day i will know what is right and what is wrong. another reason why i say that you control your destiny is because of your parent is not always going to be there for you when u need them. also if you grow up in a certain way like being (poor) you would want to be something better and make something out of your self. your parent will like the best for you but its your choice to follow your own heart. if you go by the way ur parent tell you how to go along with things you will never learn how to do things own your own.
