Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interracial Marriage/Dating

In the book, Dreams from my Father, Obama writes about how his mother, Ann, and his father, Barack, Sr, were dating during a very racist period in history.  What are your views of interracial marriage/dating (black/white, latino/black, white/asian, asian/latino, white/latino, etc)?  Where did you get your opinion of your views of interracial marriage from? Does it cause problems when these unions produce bi-racial children? Why or why not?

Monday, October 25, 2010


 Considering past racism and oppression, do you think blacks deserve special treatment or acknowledgment? For example, do you think American blacks should get reparations (money paid as an apology for slavery)? Do you believe so-called "reverse racism" against whites is acceptable? How much of a problem is racism today?  (Due Wednesday Oct 27th @ midnight)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nelson Mandela response

Nelson Mandela, the amazing civil activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, orator, and former South African President, once said, "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Give examples that support your stance. Also, what is your TRUE view of education and where does it fall of your list of "must haves" in life?  (THIS MUST MEET THE 350 or plus word count in order to be counted)

Africans and Black Americans

Is it more important for black Americans to learn about African societies than people who aren't black, or should American blacks think of themselves as totally separate from African people? What could African cultures teach us?

Friday, October 8, 2010


Is it more important for black Americans to learn about African societies than people who aren't black, or should American blacks think of themselves as totally separate from African people? What could African cultures teach us? Also, what are some things about African cultures you have always had a questions about and what are some things you think Africans wonder about African-Americans?

Friday, October 1, 2010


How much do you think your destiny depends on what type of people your parents/guardian are?  Do you think how you were raised controls your future or is it more about you taking the wheel?
(Due by Tuesday, Oct 5 no later than midnight) *Entries arriving after midnight or not meeting the 350-550 word count will not be graded*